Study on the change of irrigation water utilization and energy consumption in well irrigation areas of Hebei Province
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To carry out the r esear ch of w ater saving and ener gy sav ing fo r agricultura l irrig ation is a necessar y requirement of suppo rting the sustainable development of reg io nal ag riculture and a concrete practice to support Chinac s pr omise on energ y co nser vatio n and emission r eduction. I n the w ell irrig ation areas o f H ebei Pro vince, the relat ionship between irrig at ion water and irrig atio n energ y consumptio n is complex due to the impact of ag ricultur al wat er2saving and the dr op o f gr oundwat er level. T his paper analyzes the changing patterns of the irrigation w ater, irrig atio n ener g y co nsumpt ion, and g ro undw ater level in the well ir2 rig ation ar eas o f Hebei Prov ince fr om 1980 to 2015, and then dr aws the fo llow ing co nclusio ns: ( 1) The g ro undwater depth and the power co nsumpt ion for ex tracting a cubic meter of w ater has a pow er functio n relatio n; as the gr oundw ater depth incr eases, the incr ease amplitude of irrigat ion ener gy consumption caused by drop of g ro undwater lev el w ill g radually expand; ( 2) Due to the dro p o f gr oundw ater level, the amo unt of w ater that can be ex tracted per kilow att2hour decreased from 8 m3 in 1980 to 01 9 m3 in 2015. Compared wit h the situation in 1980, the amount o f irrigat ion water decreased by 11 3 billion m3 , but irrig atio n ener2 g y co nsumption incr eased by 131 1 billion kW # h in 2015. ( 3) After 1997, the reductio n in ener gy consumption as a r esult o f agricultural w ater2saving was no t enoug h to make up for the incr eased energ y consumption caused by t he dr op o f g ro undw ater lev2 el, resulting in an addit ional loss of 20 850 kW # h o f irrigation energ y consumption per hm2 per year. T his study pro vides a use2 ful reference fo r g uiding the dev elopment of ag ricultur al irrigation water in Hebei pro vince.