Analysis of spatio2temporal matching of agricultural water and land resources in Heilongjiang Province during the grain production growth period
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While the total gr ain output in H eilongjiang Prov ince increased fo r 12 co nsecutive y ea rs, there arise many pro blems in agricultural water and land resources. In order to o bjectively evaluate the spatio2tempo ral mat ching o f agricultural w ater and land r eso urces in H eilongjiang Pro vince, based on the ut ilizat ion situation of w ater and land resources in H eilo ng jiang Prov ince in the g rain pro ductio n g rowth period ( 200322015) , we analy zed the relat ionship betw een ag ricultur al w ater and land r eso urces in Heilong jiang Pr ovince by using the Gini coefficient and the matching coefficient of ag ricultur al water and land resour ces. T he results show ed as follows: ( 1) T he spatial matching o f ag ricultural w at er and land resources in Heilong jiang Prov ince during the gr ain pr oduction g rowth perio d varied g reatly, w ith the Gini co efficient r ang ing fr om 01 4475 to 01 4907, falling in the po or matching range. The matching coefficients of agricultural w ater and land r eso urces wer e low er t han t he nat ional aver age, and wer e declining continuo usly o ver t ime. ( 2) I n terms o f spatial differ ences, the centr al and w ester n parts of H eilongjiang Prov ince had a relat ively low matching deg ree of water and land resources and should not be further r eclaimed. The Sanjiang Plain has a larg e gr ain planting ar ea, and w e sugg est dev elo ping w ater2sav ing irrig atio n there. The w ater resour ces in the no rthern and so utheast2 er n r egions ar e relatively abundant , and should be co nserv ed fo r sustainable development