Effects of water saving and nitrogen reduction on tomato yield and water and nitrogen use efficiency in solar greenhouse
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In or der t o reduce t he waste of resources caused by the ex per ience manag ement of wat er and fer tilizer in the vegetable gar den, and to impro ve w ater and fer tilizer use efficiency o f crops, w e discussed the ef fects of w ater sav ing and nit rog en reduc2 tion on deep per colat ion of tomato r oot zo ne, tomato w ater co nsumpt ion, y ield, and water and nitr og en use eff iciency under tw o irr ig atio n conditio ns: dr ip irr ig atio n and under2film fur row irr ig ation. The r esult s showed that w hen the ir rigation amount w as 60%280% o f the ex perience amount o f the g arden, the w ater co nsumption o f tomatoes decr eased by 17%243%, and the w ater use efficiency increased by 9%259%; t he effect of irr igat ion amount on yield w as no t sig nificant. When the nitro gen applicatio n amount w as 50% of the exper ience amo unt of the ga rden, the tomato y ield incr eased by 9%217%, and the nitro gen use efficiency incr eased by 12%235%. Compar ed w ith under2film furr ow irr igation, dr ip ir rig atio n could increase the av erag e values of w ater use efficiency, nitro gen use efficiency, and y ield by 61 9%, 81 4% and 81 2% respectiv ely fo r the spr ing and summer bat ch, and by 41 1%, 41 9% and 51 3% respect ively fo r the autumn and w inter batch. Compr ehensive analysis showed that compared w ith the ex perience amount of w ater and nit rog en use in the gar den, using 80% o f the ex perience ir rigation amount and 50% of the expe2 r ience nitr og en amo unt w ill not sig nificantly reduce t he yield, but w ill sig nificantly im pr ove water and nitro gen use efficiency. Compar ed w ith under2f ilm furr ow ir rigation, drip ir rig atio n can reduce deep percolatio n, and r educe the w aste o f w ater and fer til2 izer resources.