Numerical analysis and safety evaluation of the underground powerhouse of the Xianju pumped2storage Project
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The vibr ation pr oblem of pow erhouse is the key in desig ning pumped stor age pow er plant. This paper too k Xianju Pumped2storag e Pr oject, one of the larg est projects in China, as a case st udy. We conducted resonance check and vibr ation re2 sponse ev aluatio n o f the under gr ound power ho use, and pr oposed the v ibration2co ntro l standard values fo r Xianju pro ject. T he a2 nalysis showed that attent ion sho uld be paid to the ver tical amplitude of machine pier in structure desig n as it is slig htly lar ger than the contro l v alue. The resonance check showed that t he ov erall structure of the pow erho use and its main compo nents meet the code requirements, so the po ssibility o f under gr ound pow erhouse resonance is small. T he max imum vibrat ion displacement, velo city, and acceler atio n all meet the requir ements o f the proposed vibr ation2contr ol st andard. T he vibrat ion r oot mean squar e acceler atio n o f the co lumn str uctur e is slig ht ly larg e, but the fr equency2w eig ht ed acceleration amplitude is small, so it meets the pr oposed v ibration2co nt ro l standard. In v iew o f the situation w her e the v ibration r esponse o f some lo cal members such as the co lumn is slig htly lar ge, we discussed the effectiveness o f taking local reinfo rcement measures to r educe the intensit y o f vibr a2 tion. T his paper can pr ovide a r efer ence fo r the ant i2vibr ation o ptimizat ion desig n of similar powerho uses.