Comparison of structural arrangement schemes of pumping station project
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There ar e three structur al ar rangement schemes in the r eco nstr uction o f Liushan Nor th Pum ping Station: separ ate ar2 r ang ement o f the main bo dy and the siphon o utlet passage, integr ated ar rangement o f t he main bo dy and the straig ht pipe outlet passage, and integr ated ar rang ement of t he main body and the siphon outlet passag e. Each scheme has its ow n advantages and disadvantages. Compa ring the schemes and selecting the o pt imal one is an impor tant w or k in the desig n of the pumping st ation. In this paper, w e fir st compared the thr ee st ructur al arr ang ement schemes of Liushan Nor th Pumping Statio n, then conducted three dimensio nal finite element st ructur al calculat ion and analy sis o f the thr ee schemes under different w orking co ndit ions.We compar ed the hor izo nt al and v ertical displacement and the st ress states of t he floo r, g ate pier, and flow channel in differ ent schemes, so as to pr ovide a theor etical basis for the select ion o f a structural ar rangement scheme of Liushan Nor th Pumping Sta2 tion. T he r esults show ed that separate ar rangement o f t he flo or and siphon passage wo uld present satisfacto ry displacement and st ress state, so we r ecommend this scheme fo r the desig n.