Applicability analysis of multi-satellite remote sensing precipitation data in Tarim River basin
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Because o f the complex terrain in the cold and dr y reg ion, ther e ar e few statio ns and little measur ed data. Remote sens2 ing precipitation pr oduct is a useful supplement to the measur ed data. Based on the observed pr ecipitatio n data from the surface met eo ro lo gical stations, taking Kaiko ng Riv er sub2basin of Tarim River basin as t he study area, w e ev aluated the accuracy of four r emo te sensing pr ecipitation products, TRMM 3B42RT , TRM M 3B42V7, CMORPH RAW and CMORPH CRT. Mean2 w hile, in the Yurungkash River sub2basin, based on the SRM model, w e evaluated the applicabilit y of t he abov e remo te sensing pr ecipitatio n pro ducts fo r runo ff simulation. The r esults showed that TRMM 3B42RT had low accur acy w hile the TRMM 3B42V7 had the highest accuracy. CMORPH had high accur acy in mo untaino us areas, but over est imated the precipitation in plain areas. Among the fo ur kinds of remo te sensing precipitat ion pr oducts, TRMM 3B42V7 was the most suitable for r unoff simulatio n, and could basically char acterize the pr ocess o f daily runoff.