Simulation of rainstorm waterlogging processes at the Lixia overpass bridge in Jicnan city
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The urban co ncave o verpass bridges can easily become " art ificial waterlog g ing zone" since the area beneath t he bridg e is usually lower than the surr ounding ar eas, which leads to frequent w aterlog g ing disasters, endang ering the safet y o f urban tr af2 fic, pedestrians, and vehicles. T her efor e, effective simulatio n o f r ainst orm waterlo gg ing pr ocesses in ur ban over pass bridg e ar ea will hav e important practical sig nificance fo r ur ban f loo d co nt ro l, disaster r eduction, and t raffic emer gency manag ement. It can pr ov ide impo rtant t echnical suppo rt for solv ing the ur ban w aterlog g ing pr oblems. I n this study, both M ike Urban and M ike21 FM mo dels w ere used to simulate the waterlo gg ing pro cesses o f the 3 h r ainstorm o bserv ed in July 18, 2007 at Huang tai Bridg e rain g aug e st ation and the design precipitatio n w ith different return periods at t he Lix ia ov erpass bridg e ar ea in Jicnan cit y. T he results of t his study showed that the depth of waterlo gg ing in the lowest area under the Lix ia over pass bridge co uld r each abo ut 11 95 m during the 2007. 07. 18 r ainsto rm ev ent, which was hig her than that in a 1002year rainstorm in Jicnan cit y.