Mechanism and measurement of the water adaptability of the farmpond in Jianghuai Hilly Area
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Pond system in the hilly a rea is a result of the adaptat ion to water demand, embodying t he harmonio us relatio nship be2 tw een w ater resources and human being s. We took tw o small w atersheds ( ? : 11 14 km2 ; ò : 11 27 km2) as the st udy a reas, and developed terrain w eig ht index , pond and land use adaptability index , and w ater supply and demand balance index to quant ita2 tively illustrate the w ater adaptability mechanism o f t he pond system. T he data set included high2resolution remot e sensing ima2 g es, 1B 10000 DEM, and measured data ( depth and size) of the ponds. The results are as follow s. For est and g rassland ( mor e than 50% ) w as the dominant land use ty pe in the study areas. The cultiv ated land ( abo ut 351 5% ) came seco nd. Fa rm ponds co vered o nly 21 82% and 51 8% o f the study areas. The terr ain w eight index es indicated that the high2lying ponds were abso lute2 ly dominant. The land utilizatio n index indicated that study area ? had better adaptability than study area ò . Under the circum2 stance o f precipitation pr obability P= 85% , the water supply and demand balance index was 11 02 and 01 59 r espectiv ely. Ther e wer e restrictions and adaptatio ns betw een the po nds, farmland, and terrain in the study ar ea.