Water resources security state of Hunan Province during 2007-2015 and the short-board factors
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First, based o n t he conno tatio n of wat er resources security , w e built an ev aluatio n index system fo r water resources se2 curity of H unan pro vince, and determined the w ater resources security state during 200722015 with the integr al index of w ater resources security. Seco nd, w e built a multi2bucket model fo r the evaluation system based on the short2bo ard facto rs theo ry , and measured the length difference betw een bucket staves ( indexes) w ith the "equilibrium degr ee" index . The index es w ere divided into dominant fact ors, restrictive facto rs, and short2board facto rs. Then w e compar ed and analyzed the st atus quo and develop2 ment trend of w at er resour ces security o f H unan pr ovince f rom lo ng itudinal ( interannual) and later al ( index2 based) perspec2 tives. T he r esults indicated: ( 1) The w ater r eso urces security sy stem o f H unan prov ince w as in a somewhat unsafe state in 2011, and w as in a somew hat safe st at e in 2015, and was in a critically safe state in the other years. The water r eso ur ces security of H unan pr ov ince during 200722015 was in a sev ere situation in the earlier stag e and it eased up in the later stag e. ( 2) We drew a sho rt2boar d factors diagr am of w ater reso ur ces security of H unan pr ov ince, and found that the main sho rt2boar d facto rs wer e sev ere floo d contro l situation, lar ge amo unts of w aste w ater and org anic pollutants emissio ns, and larg e consum ption of w ater for industria l, ag ricultural, and domestic use.