Study on the unified allocation of water resources in the water receiving area of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in Hebei
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Tar geting the inhomog eneity of inflow pr ocess and uncertainty o f inflow fr equency o f transferred water and lo cal sur2 face w ater in the w ater r eceiv ing area of the Middle Route of the So uth2to2 No rth Water Tr ansfer Project as w ell as the complex2 ity of the wat er supply system ( multi2sour ce, multi2pro ject, multi2user) , we selected a w ater receiv ing area of t he South2t o2North Water Tr ansfer Pr oject in H ebei prov ince as the r esear ch object. Wit h the guidance of multi2tar get gr oup decisio n theory and lar ge system decompo sitio n coo rdinatio n theory , we constructed a 1+ 7 o pt imal allocation mo del o f w ater r eso ur ces based o n MIKE BASIN, and formulated an optimal allocatio n scheme fo r w ater resources in t he w ater receiv ing ar ea based o n differ ent years, different guarantee rates, differ ent w ater sav ing levels, and different water usersc demand co ndit ions. Under the conditio n of inflow frequency combinat ion in 2020 ( tr ansferred w ater P= 50% and local surface water P = 50% ) , we analy zed t he effects of the optimal allocatio n schemes for basic w ater saving and eff icient w ater saving , w ith a v iew to f inding the optimal w ater dis2 tribution scheme between multiple w ater so urces and multiple users under the pr emise o f utilizing w ater resources fully and sat2 isfy ing the w ater demand. Ex ploring the o pt imal water distribution scheme betw een multiple water sources and multiple users will maxim ize the comprehensive benefits o f the r egion and promo te reg ional sustainable dev elo pment.