Land use/ cover and landscape pattern changes under influence of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station
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In o rder to analyze the influence of Xiang jiaba hydro power pr oject on land use and landscape chang es in the peripheral reg ion, w e applied t he o bject2o riented classificatio n metho d to ex tract the land use ty pes fr om the Landsat images o f 2006 and 2017, and analyzed the landscape pattern changes a round Xiang jiaba hy dr opow er station. Then, we used CLUE2S model to simu2 late the land use and landscape changes in 2017 in the conditio n of natur al development w ithout the hy dr opow er pr oject. T he main co nclusio ns are as fo llows: from 2006 to 2017, the land types o f the st udy area wer e seriously affected by bo th social devel2 o pment and the hy dr opow er pr oject. The w ater area has increased sig nificant ly ; bare land has been ut ilized; constructio n area has ex panded; fo rest and farmland ar ea has decreased a lo t. Com par ed with the situation in t he natur al dev elo pment co ndition, under the influence of the hydro pow er pro ject, t he construction area is slightly smaller, and t he g arden/ gr ass land area is sma ller with more cr oss2dist ribution w ith fo rest land. The landscape patter n presented differ ent trends: enhancement of farmland and gar den/ gr assland, delay ed develo pment of co nstr uction and ba re land, and o pposite development o f forest land