Classification of rainwater runoff pollution indexes and analysis of pollution sources in Tianjin urban area
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Based on the method of principal component analy sis, w e sam pled and analyzed the ro of r unoff at residential area and road surface runo ff at g rocer y market in T ianjin urban ar ea. We classified and analyzed t he characteristic indexes o f SS, COD, ammonia nitro gen, to tal nit rog en, and to tal phospho rus, attempted to find out the sources of r unoff po llut ants pr oduced on dif2 fer ent underly ing surfaces, and analy zed the first flush effect of each pollutant. Analy sis results show ed t hat the tot al nitr ogen, ammonia nitro gen, and COD among t he characterist ic po llutants of ro of rainw ater r unoff belo ng ed to the same class of indexes, which means that the first kind of potential main pollutio n sour ces wer e vehicle emissions, atmo spheric dry and wet deposition, and the roo fing material precipitat es. Tota l phosphorus and SS belonged to the other tw o classes, indicating that the second kind of potential main po llution so ur ces w ere const ruct ion site po llut ion and the spoilage of v ehicles. Among the char act eristic pollu2 tants of the r oad surface r unoff at g ro cery mar ket , SS, to tal phospho rus, and COD belonged to the same class o f index es, w hich means that the first kind of potential main pollutio n so ur ces w ere the spoilag e of mo tor vehicles and the po llut ion of domestic wastes. Ammonia nitr og en and t otal nitrog en belonged to another class, indicat ing that atmospheric dry and w et deposition and vehicle emissio n w ere the seco nd po tential main po llution sour ces. T he first flush effect w as mor e likely to o ccur o n ro ad surface than on the ro of. T here w as a co ntinuo us input of po llution source and the first flush effect o f ammo nia nitr og en was significant.