Application of five-element connection number to assessment of ecological waterway in the lower reaches of Yangtze River
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Aiming at the fuzzy and uncertainty problems in ecolog ical wat erw ay assessment, w e built a five2element connectio n number model o n the basis of AHP ( Analy tic H ierar chy Pr ocess) method and the SPA ( Set Pa ir Analysis) . Accor ding to the co nnection between each index o f the eco log ical waterway assessment index sy st em and the g rade standard, we constr ucted the co nnection degr ee formula, and calculat ed the weight of each assessment index by AHP. The model w as applied t o assess the ec2 o lo gical waterway of Nanjing2Liuhekou reach in the low er r eaches of Yang tze River. T he r esults showed that the health condi2 tion of this ecolog ical w aterw ay w as in Gr ade " III" . The navig atio n functio n, self2purificat ion function, and landscape & enter2 tainment funct ion w ere in Grade " I", while the eco log ical function w as in Grade " IV". It is necessary to str eng then eco lo gical en2 v iro nmental pr otectio n o f the reach. A sensitivity ana lysis indicated that t he assessment results w ere not sensitive t o small2am2 plitude fluctuatio n o f the weig hts o f the function layer, sug g esting that the evaluation results of the Nanjing2Liuhekou reach wer e stable.