Study on influence factors of electrokinetic remediation of cadmium contaminated sediment
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Taking co ntaminated sediment w ith a cadmium ( Cd) content of 2 mg / kg as the r esear ch object, we used electro kinetic remediation techno lo gy to r emo ve the Cd in the contaminated sediment. w e investig ated the inf luences of differ ent voltages be2 tw een elect rodes, ty pes of chemical enhancers, and electr ode mat erials on the curr ent, temperature, conductiv ity, sediment mo is2 tur e co ntent, and heav y metal co ntent. The ex perimental results show ed that: w ith catio nic polyacry lamide ( CPAM) as chemical enhancer, por ous car bo n as electr ode, electro de vo ltag e o f 30 V, and suctio n filtr ation at pr essure of 01 05 MPa, the sediment moisture content w as decreased fr om 75% to 341 17% in 5 ho urs, heavy metal cadmium content was decreased fr om 2 mg/ kg to 01 178 mg/ kg w ith a remo val rate of 911 12% , and t he content of cadmium in the r emediated sediment met t he first2lev el stand2 ar d fo r cadmium in GB 15618- 1995 So il Envir onment al Quality Standar d. It co uld r ea lize the pur po se of remo ving heavy metals during the dew atering pr ocess o f the co ntam inated sediment.