Field tests and safety evaluation of radial gate vibration under small opening condition in the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project
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In winter, the co ntr olling gates of the M iddle Ro ute of South2to2 No rth Water Diversion Pr oject ar e o per ated under small opening conditio n. The submer ged hydr aulic jum p is accompanied by sever e turbulence behind the sluice g ates. To evaluat e the safety of g ate o perat ion under small opening conditio n, we conducted field t ests on the Puyang Riv er Gates and measur ed the par ameters of g ate vibr ation under the conditio ns of differ ent gat e opening s. The test results indicated that t he maximum dy2 namic str ess of the gates is 11 33 MPa, sma ller than 20% of the allow able st ress, i. e. about 32 MPa. The max imum v ibration dis2 placement 151 97 Lm is less than the upper limit displacement 501 8 Lm, below which the hazard of g ate v ibr atio n can be neg li2 g ible. The relation between amplitude A and frequency f follow s lgA< ( 31 14- 11 16 lg f ) . T he evaluat ion results o f the above 3 kinds of criteria ar e consistent; therefor e, the hazard o f g ate v ibration induced by submerg ed hydraulic jump is neg ligible, and the gate structure is safe and stable w hen the sluice gates are o per ated in small opening conditio n.