Research on ice transport evolution rules and safe operation measures of ice-water two-phase flow canal
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In view of the fact that there are many w ide2shallow canal pr ojects t hat cannot transfer water under the ice cov er in winter in Xinjiang Autonomo us Reg ion and Qinghai Pr ovince, w e studied the transpo rt mechanism and operat ion reg ulatio n techniques of ice2w ater tw o2phase flow . It has important significance to solving the pr oblem o f water sho rtag e during w inter in these areas. Taking the drainage canal o f a power st ation in norther n Xinjiang Region as a case study, we co nstr ucted a one2di2 mensional mechanical2mathematical mo del of canal ice and w ater t o study the char acteristics o f ice tr ansport and evo lutio n. We analyzed the influence o f key thermodynamic factors o n ice, including air t em perat ur e, outbo und w ater temper atur e, and w ater transfer vo lume. Finally, we proposed some safe o perat ion measures for ice2w ater tw o2phase flow cana l. This study has some reference value for realizing the safe hy dr aulic co nt rol o f ice2w ater tw o2phase f low and solving the w ater shortag e pr oblem in winter in the no rthwest o f China.