Analysis of earthquake response characteristics of a high face rockfill dam
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In view of the structural characteristics o f the hig h face ro ckfill dam, w e calculated and analyzed the dynamic response char acteristics and the seismic safety of the dam by the t hr ee2dimensional nonlinear f inite element method. In the dy namic calcu2 latio n, the dam material and ov erburden lay er wer e simulat ed acco rding to the equiv alent linear visco elastic model with consider2 ation to the confining pressure effect. A linea r elast ic model was used fo r the calculatio n of concrete dy namics. The permanent deformatio n o f the dam was calculated based o n the dy namic str ess2r esidual strain mo del, w hich co uld be used to calculate the residual bo dy strain and r esidual ax ial str ain. T he r esults show ed that the max imum permanent defo rmatio n along the river w as 15cm and the max imum permanent deformat ion in the v ertical directio n was 49 cm; bo th at the dam crest. I n the thr ee2dimen2 sio nal analy sis, the ho rizo ntal abso lute accelerat ion r esponse of the r ockfill w as 9 m/ s2 , and the max imum amplificatio n fact or was 41 2. The maximum earthquake r esponse of the ro ckfill and the panel occurred at the to p of the dam, show ing an obvious whiplash effect.