Research on leakage monitoring model for high-filled canal of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project based on Kalman-BP fusion network
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To so lv e the pro blems of the leakag e monitoring equipment fo r hig h2filled canals in pro ducing lar ge comprehensive er2 r or and being unable to mo nitor the seepage between canal sect ions, w e desig ned a mov able and non2dest ruct ive leakage monito2 ring sy stem for the hig h2filled canal o f the Middle Ro ut e of the So uth2to2No rth Water Diversion Pro ject and established a fusio n model based on Kalman2BP for leakage monito ring o f hig h2filled canals. Firstly, we const ruct ed a mult i2zo ne leakag e info rmatio n detectio n platform based o n wireless sensor netw ork, and w e desig ned the sensors as po rtable and movable cone devices t hat can be inserted into the soil. T he info rmation of temperatur e, humidity, soil w ater content, seepag e, and GPS lo cation w as collected in real t ime and then w as transmitted wirelessly thro ug h t he ZigBee and GPRS. Using the flow field leakag e detectio n method, we selected the characteristic variables that w ere relevant t o high2filled canal leakag e t hr ough the ex perimental model. Then, w e used Kalman algo rithm t o filter and valuate the associated phy sical variables. Finally, we submitted the multi2senso r data t o the BP neural netw or k for leakag e state patter n r eco gnition and realized the predictio n of slo pe leakag e state and determined the safety lev el o f slope leakag e. The experimental r esults show ed that the Kalman2BP fusion mo del has smaller erro r in r eco gnizing the leakag e o f the hig h2f ill canal, and can monito r in real t ime the leakage state betw een the canal sections. It can r ealize no n2de2 str uctive online mo nitoring of t he slope seepage of t he Middle Ro ut e o f the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Pro ject.