A primary tentative study on sand hole infiltration
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Acco rding to the double por osity media f low theor y and the co nstr uction technolog y of com posite f oundatio n, with al2 luv ial sand and riv er sand as ex perimental padding, we carried out a sand ho le infilt ratio n test in the silt and medium sand st rata, and studied the efficiency of sand ho le infiltr atio n. The r esults show ed that the separated por ous media w as mor e suitable for filling sand holes. River sand was mor e effective as padding than alluvial sand. Infilt ratio n efficiency was o bv io usly affected by a2 queo us medium. Using sand hole infiltration for differ ent litho log ical char acteristics showed obviously differ ent infilt ratio n effi2 ciency. The infiltration eff iciency of medium sand st ratum w as 71 6 t imes o f that of the silt str atum and 481 1 t imes o f that of the silt surface. U sing different infiltration mo des for the same lit ho lo gical char acteristic also show ed v ery different infiltrat ion effi2 ciency. The infilt ratio n efficiency of silt stratum was 61 3 times of that of t he silt surface. Sand hole infiltration is a manag eable technical metho d w hich can speed up the inf ilt ratio n r ate. It w ill pr omot e the co nv ersio n of the per co lation t heo ry into t echnolo2 g ies for alleviating flo od disasters in urban o r mountainous ar eas. It w ill enhance the effect ive ut ilizat ion of water resources, and pr omot e t he self2r ecover y and healt hy dev elopment of w ater cycle sy stem.