Hydrological simulation of Wenyu River basin based on HEC-HMS model
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H ydro log ical simulatio n is impo rtant fo r flo od hazard mitig ation and water resources management. I n this st udy, we a2 dopted t he distributed hy drolog ical mo del HEC2H MS to simulate the flo od ev ents and daily runo ff o f the Weny u River basin in Beijing, China. The mo del was calibrated and validat ed w ith the data o f 6 storm events during 198022005 and daily str eam flow during 198321995. The results show ed that fo r all of t he 6 flo ods, the relat ive erro rs of peak flow and r unoff amo unt w ere less than 20% , and the peak time difference was w ithin 2 h. The aver age Nash efficiency co eff icient and averag e correlation co effi2 cient r w ere 01 82 and 01 92, r espectiv ely. Fo r the daily runoff simulation, the averag e Nash efficiency coefficient w as 01 6, the av2 er age correlation coefficient r was 01 78, and the av erag e relat ive error was 31 95% . Preliminar y analysis showed that the H EC2 HMS model a pplied w ell to the Wenyu Riv er basin. It can effect ively simulate the short2t erm and long2t erm r ainfall and r unoff pr ocesses in norther n China, and can be used fo r floo d fo recast, w ater r eso ur ces evaluation and management in this area.