Analysis on characteristics and influence factors of runoff and sediment changes in Raohe River basin from 1952 to 2014
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Based on the daily measured dischar ge and sediment data of three stations in Raohe River basin from 1952 to 2014, we studied the variation characteristics of the annual runoff and sediment transport. The results showed that: 1) In terms of the reg ional composi2 tion of runoff and sediment transport in the Raohe River basin, the Changjiang River, Lecan River, and Dong dahe River took up 20%2 35% , and the sediment transport and the runoff were directly proportional to each other. 2) The r unoff in the Raohe River basin show ed prominent interannual variations. The flow in the 1990s was g reater than the normal lev el ( by 20% ) . The main perio d of the r unoff and sediment tr ansport series w as 20 years, but the future runoff showed pr ominent r andomness. 3) The sediment load declined significantly after 1998, causing a tur ning point on the do uble accumulative curve of runo ff and sediment. The future sediment load mig ht keep declining. 4) One of the reasons for the r eduction o f sediment load in Raohe Riv er basin w as the reduct ion of runo ff after 2000 ( by 10% ) . Another main factor w as the int ercept ion o f sediment by la rge and medium water co nserv ancy pro2 jects built betw een 1998 and 2007. Ow ing to t he contro l of soil erosion and constructio n of w ater conservancy projects, the sedi2 ment in Rao he River basin is ex pected to decline further in the futur e. The results can pro vide a r eference for the comprehensiv e utilization and dev elopment of w ater r eso ur ces and t he w ater ecolog ical pro tection in Rao he River Basin.