Temporal and spatial evolution of precipitation in Wuzhishan City in recent 60 years
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In or der to illustrat e t he v ariat ion char acteristic of precipitation in Wuzhishan City in the r ecent 60 y ears, based on the data o f 17 rainfall statio ns/ meteo ro log ical statio ns, we used different interpolation metho ds t o co nduct monthly inter po lation and compar ed the r esults w ith the Seco nd Evaluation results of H ainan Pr ovince, and thus selected the reasonable method. We ana2 lyzed t he spat ial and tempora l changes of precipitation using sliding av erag e method, cumulativ e anomaly method, Mann2Kendall no nparametric test, and M orlet w av elet analy sis. T he r esults w ere as fo llows: ( 1) The aver age precipitat ion in the past 60 years of Wuzhishan was 1921. 3mm and show ed a g radually declining tr end spatially fr om the no rtheast and north to the southwest. ( 2) The distributio n o f pr ecipitatio n differed slig htly across different scenarios, but show ed co nsistent response to topog raphy. ( 3) The annual pr ecipitatio n generally show ed a significant increasing trend, w ith a sudden change from decreasing to increasing around 1988. ( 4) The r esults of attribution analy sis w ith SPSS show ed that the ev apo ratio n mainly affected the v ariation patter n of precipitation in Wuzhishan. ( 5) T her e are multi2scale time effects o f precipitatio n and majo r cy cles of 23 years and 16 years wit h alternatio ns between wet and dr y y ears. T he next few years w ill be w et years. The abov e results hav e r ealist ic sig nificance to the dev elopment, utilization, and planning of w ater r eso urces in Wuzhishan.