Evaluation of vulnerability of surface water resources in Baoding based on comprehensive index method
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Acco rding to the connotatio n of surface w ater resour ces vulnerability and the characteristics o f surface water r eso urces in Baoding, 10 evaluatio n indexes are selected fr om three aspects: natural vulnerability, human vulnerability and burden v ulner a2 bility . T he w eig ht o f each index is calculated by AH P, and the vulnerability o f surface w ater resour ces is quantitat ively ev aluated by comprehensiv e index method and GIS/ RS technolog y. T he r esults show that the surface w ater r eso ur ces in Bao ding are gen2 er ally v ulner able, and t he mo st v ulnerable ar eas ar e the northwestern, western, east2cent ral, and so ut heastern parts of Baoding . Accor ding to the vulner ability structure, these ar eas are div ided into three cat eg ories: natur al v ulnerability2dominant a reas, hu2 man vulnerability2dom inant areas and burden v ulner ability2dominant a reas. Fo r the natural v ulner ability2dominant and human vulnerability2dominant areas, some countermeasures ar e put forw ar d such as construction of w at er co nser vancy facilities and ex2 pansion of aff orestation ar ea; for the burden vulner abilit y2dominant ar eas, this paper pr oposes contro lling water co nsumption and po pulat ion g row th, eliminating backwar d pr oductio n capacity, dev elo ping water2sav ing techno lo gies and promoting water2saving know ledge.