Assimilative capacity of Jiujiang industrial water function zone beside Poyang Lake using analytical method and numerical method
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The assimilativ e capacity of a w ater function zone is the basis fo r gr oss co ntr ol o f po llutants discharg e. At present, the capacity is commonly calculated by ana lyt ical method, but the calculation r esults ar e no t accur ate. In this research, w e too k Jiu2 jiang industrial water funct ion zone beside Po yang Lake as the o bject of r esear ch, and calculat ed its assimilativ e capacity. The an2 alytica l method was used to calculate the initial value, and the numerica l method w as used t o optimize the initia l value. The cal2 culation results showed that the o ptimal assimilative capacit y of Jiujiang industrial w ater functio n zone beside Poy ang Lake for COD is 9 776 t/ a, and that fo r ammo nia nitro gen ( NH32N) is 142 t/ a. This study takes into acco unt such factors as the river mor pholog y, the chang e of insho re velocity , and the effects of characteristic hydrolog ical conditio ns. It can make up fo r the limi2 tat ions of the analytica l method and generate mor e reasonable results. It can prov ide a r eference fo r w at er pollutants g ro ss con2 tr ol in Jiujiang indust rial wat er functio n zone beside Poyang Lake.