Study on pollution model of typical karst groundwater system in area of southwest China
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Karst g roundw ater r eso urce is an impo rtant g ua rantee for the so cial and eco nomic develo pment in southwest China. With the continuous acceler ation of ur banizatio n pro cess, the pro blem of karst g ro undwater po llut ion in southwest China is be2 com ing increasingly prominent. Posing direct threats to the health and safety of the lo ca l people, it has become a ho t social issue. In this paper, w e studied the t ypical karst g r oundwater system po llution cases in southwest China. T hroug h t he analysis of the hy dr og eolog ical conditio ns, characteristics of pollution so urces, law o f pollutant mig ratio n, and po llution harm o f each karst gr oundwat er system, w e summarized the ty pical karst g ro undwater sy st em pollutio n models in southwest China, including inter2 mittent inf iltr atio n pollution, co nt inuo us infilt ratio n pollutio n, po uring pollutio n and leakage infiltrat ion po llution. This study can help r esear chers to better identify t he characteristics and law s of pollutants t ranspo rt, and mor e accurately g rasp the sco pe and ex tent of pollutio n. It can prov ide impo rtant refer ence for the preventio n and contr ol o f g r oundwater po llutants in karst areas in so uthw est China.