The effect of hydrodynamic conditions on the self2purification of water body
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The effect of hydro dy namic conditio ns o n the self2purificat ion of w ater body w as studied thro ug h the w ater flume ex2 periments and theor etical analysis. It was found that flow velocity was o ne o f the main facto rs affecting the self2purificat ion of water bo dy , w hile differ ent sectio n and w ater depth co ndit ions did not make much difference on the self2purificat ion o f w ater bo dy . We adopted t he bio chemical ox yg en demand2disso lv ed ox yg en co upling mo del and chemical f irst2o rder r eaction to pr edict the v ariat ion of w ater quality with time. T o some extent, the increase o f w ater f low v elocity improv ed the reaerat ion ability of water bo dy and enhanced the self2purificatio n effect of w at er body . H ow ever, when the f low velo city ex ceeded a certa in value causing sediment resuspension, the self2purification effect o f the w ater body decreased shar ply in a sho rt time. In a w ater diver2 sio n pr oject, reasonable contro l and design of hy dr aulic parameters such as flow velo city and discharg e, w ater intake perio d and interval, and incr ease o f ener gy dissipation hy dr aulic str uctures are effectiv e measures to co ntr ol water quality.