ISM-based analysis of factors affecting public satisfaction of urban black and smelly water treatment
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It is an important task to improv e the w ater envir onment of the city as a lar ge number of the ur ban riv ers in China hav e turned black and smelly. It has become a trend to judg e the effect o f black and smelly w ater tr eat ment by the public satis2 factio n deg ree and the lo ng2term mechanism const ruct ion pro g ress. Based on the data of public satisfactio n assessment of 6 black and smelly rivers in Nanjing Gulou District, w e selected sev en factors which had significant influence o n public satisfactio n throug h the single2fact or v ariance analysis. By using the I nter pr etativ e St ruct ur al Mo deling method ( ISM) , w e analy zed the in2 ter nal relatio nships among the seven facto rs and built a hierarchical st ructur al model, w ith a v iew to pro viding refer ence to the gov ernment o n black and smelly water treatment. T he analy sis results showed that w ater o do r, abno rmal co lo r, cleanliness, and public aw areness o f the tr eat ment pr oject w ere dir ect influencing factors on public satisfaction of the black and smelly w ater treatment; the ident ity o f the respo ndents w as an indirect influencing facto r; dir ect sewag e discha rg e to the riv er and g arbag e stacking along the riv er w ere the roo t factors.