Study of water transformation simulation model of irrigation and drainage system
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The process of w ater tr ansfo rmatio n in irrigation ar eas is com plicated due to the influence of natural and artificial fac2 to rs. Taking the irrigation area o f Zhanghe Reservoir in Hubei Province as a case study, w e described the water transformatio n process of a typical irrigation and drainag e system from both vertical and horizontal perspectives. Based on the principle o f water balance, we es2 tablished a simulation model that w as composed o f multiple modules for bo undary treatment and simulation of the w ater transfo rmation betw een multiple soil layers of the rice field, ponds and ditches. The model was calibrated and v erified based on the data of Tandian irri2 gation and drainage system in Zhang he district from 2014 to 2015. After sampling the model parameters using Latin hypercube, w e con2 ducted sensitivity analysis of the parameters using partial correlatio n analysis. The mo del calculat ion showed that the multiple corre2 latio n coefficients o f the simulation r esults fo r the br anch ditches in calibr ation and va lidatio n periods w ere 01 83 and 01 70 re2 spect ively, and the Ens co efficients w ere 01 81 and 01 68 respectively; the multiple co rrelatio n coefficients o f the simulation re2 sults fo r the tertiary ditches in calibratio n and v alidation perio ds w ere 01 79 and 01 68, and the Ens coefficients wer e 01 73 and 01 62, indicating that the model w as suitable for simulating the w ater tr ansfo rmatio n pro cess of irrig atio n and drainag e systems. As compared w ith the SWAT model, for t he same study a rea, the pro po sed model improv ed the mult iple correlation coefficient from 01 11 to 01 73 and the Ens coefficient from - 01 71 to 01 70, pro ving t he pro posed mo del w as superio r to the SWAT model. This study pro vided valuable info rmatio n fo r the study of w ater tr ansfo rmatio n in irrig ation and drainag e systems.