Estimation for parameters of Jensen model using free search algorithm
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Using the least squar e metho d to est imate t he parameters of the mo del o f cr op respo nse to w ater ( MCRW) may pres2 ent some pro blems such as unreasonable parameters, unsatisfying simulatio n accuracy, and inest imable par ameter due to insuffi2 cient irrigation ex perimental tr eat ments. T o so lv e these pr oblems, Free Sear ch ( FS ) w as used to estimat e the parameters of Jensen mo del in this paper. The po sitio n v ecto r of each ex plor ator y step of the individual animal of FS was taken as a set of po2 tential solutions o f t he parameter, and a set o f o ptimal parameters w as estimated based on t he animal g ro up mig ration o f the FS alg orithm. Thr ee case studies showed that the FS alg orithm can calibrate dir ectly the parameters o f Jensen mo del w ithout con2 v erting the mo del. FS can also effectively avo id unreasonable phenomenon such as a negative parameter or a parameter g reater than 1, and impr ove the simulation accuracy of the Jensen mo del. When it is difficult to adopt the linear r egr essio n metho d, FS alg orithm can be used to estimate the pa rameters of M CRW