A literature review on the dynamic behaviors of air valves during gas-liquid transients
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Air v alv es ar e important aux iliary elements in w ater div ersio n pr ojects, and ar e usually used to remov e the addit ional entr apped a ir in pipelines, mitig ate w ater hammer pressur e peaks, and admit air into pipes t o co unter sub2atmo spheric condi2 tions. The air release/ intake pro cesses of air valves invo lve complicated g as2liquid t ransient f low . T he dynamic behavio rs of the air v alv e ( such as t he air v alve dischar ge co efficient, the r esidual g as vo lume in the v alve chamber, the air valve closing time length, and the air valve opening and closing time) hav e dir ect effects o n the w ater hammer pressur e peaks. This paper critically reviews the curr ent desig ns, lay outs, physical model tests, and numerical simulations of air v alv es. It arg ues that there is a press2 ing need for a comprehensiv e, systematic and lar ge2scale test study on the dy namic behav iors of air valv es under the conditio n of gas2liquid transient flow , which will impro ve the current mathemat ical model and prov ide a theoret ical basis for the design, de2 tectio n, selectio n, and la yout of a ir v alves.