Analysis of the influence of gate closure time on the height of the water level before the control gate in a multi-channel system
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In view of the problem of water level rising caused by emergency synchronous closure of contro l gates, this paper analyzes the influence of different closure time on the water level under the condition of sy nchrono us closure of multiple g ates. We established a one2 dimensional hydraulic simulation model, conducted plenty of calculations on clo sure conditions, and studied the influence of the closure of upstream and dow nstream contr ol gates on the w ater level before the gate. The r esults showed that the water level rise rate during the closur e process of the dow nstr eam control gate was much greater than that after the completion of the closure. On this basis, w e set dif2 ferent downstream gate closure time, and analyzed the influence of the closure time on the height and happening time of the max imum water level during the synchronous closure of upstream and downstream control gates. The results showed that the maximum w ater lev el appeared during the transmissio n of the upstream water wave to the downstream section or a short time after that, and the dow nstr eam gate closure time was the dominant factor affecting the w ater level. After analyzing the influence o f gate o peratio n in other po ols on the water level of the study poo l in a multi2channel system, we concluded that the water level of a poo l is basically affected by the operation of the upstream and dow nstr eam g ates of the poo l alone under the condition of sy nchronous closure. This paper can prov ide a reference fo r the optimization of the water level before the g ate under synchronous closure