Experimental study on EPS polypropylene fiber modified expansive soil under optimum dosage of phosphate tailings
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The expansive soil in the m iddle ro ute of South2to2North Water Div ersio n Pr oject in Nany ang w as taken as the re2 search object. Under t he conditio n o f keeping moistur e content and dr y density unchang ed at 20% and 11 7 g/ cm3 , respect ively, based on the 7. 5% optimum do sag e o f phosphate tailing s, w e mix ed EPS particles and polypro pylene fibers in different propor2 tions and added them into t he ex pansiv e soil for tests o f unloaded sw elling ratio , unconfined compr essive str eng th, and triax ial CU. The results show ed that EPS part icles can effectiv ely r estrain the ex pansion and shrinkag e o f ex pansiv e soil, but will r educe the str eng th and ductility of the ex pansive soil. With the increase of confining pr essure, the str ess2str ain curv es o f the modified so ils w ith mo re than 0% do sage w ill all incr ease and chang e from strain so ftening ty pe to str ain hardening ty pe, w ith 15% as the best dosage. Further analysis showed that the cohesion and inter nal f rictio n angle ar e both linearly neg ativ ely correlated with the dosag e. A fo rmula of shear str eng th r elated to dosage was obtained. Po lypr opylene fiber has smaller effects on the peak com2 pressiv e str eng th of the composite mo dif ied soil, but it can increase the ductility and r esidual strength o f the latter, so t hat the so il can be transformed fr om brittle failure to plastic failure. After comprehensiv e analy sis, we found the optimum dosag es of phosphorus tailings, EPS particles and po ly pr opylene fibers to be 71 5% , 15% , and 01 4% , respectively .