Development stages of U. S. national wild and scenic rivers system and main influencing factors
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Wild and Scenic Rivers Sy stem ( WSRS) is an important pr otected a rea system on the feder al level of the United St at es, and the earliest river pro tected area in the w orld. Based o n literat ur e and inter view s, the hist ory of WSRS dev elopment is div ided into three phases by landma rk events. The gr eat achievements during each stag e ar e summarized and the main influen2 cing factors ar e analy zed. The results show that the develo pment of WSRS can be div ided into thr ee stages: pr epar atio n st age, re2 finement stage, and smoot h develo pment stage. T he aver age g row th rates during the thr ee stag es are 7. 3, 6. 0 and 3. 3 seg2 ments/ y ea r. During the preparation stag e, the concept of river pr otected area was put fo rw ard and the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( WSRA) w as promulgated. During the refinement stag e, WSRA w as revised further, and the manag ement mechanism w as improv ed. During the smo oth development stage, the treatment measures of t he feder al agencies tow ards WSRS w ere further im2 pro ved. Judg ing fr om the w hole develo pment pro cess, the ideo lo gy of w ildness prot ection is where the WSRS orig inates; the public needs of r ecreatio n is the public fo undat ion for WSRS; the anti2dam mo vement pushed the development of WSRS; and the gov ernance w as the main aspect fo r impro vement in t he WSRS. The main facto rs af fecting the development of WSRS include the push by the river protectionists, inter act ions betw een the political parties of the feder al g ov ernment, balance between river pro2 tectio n and eco nomic dev elo pment, and restriction caused by land ownership alo ng the riv ers.