Analysis of main factors for landslide-triggered debris flow in Zhamunong gully on April 9th, 2000
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The landslide2trig g ered debris flow that occurred on April 9th, 2000 ( 2000 LTDF) in Zhamunong g ully had a volume of 3@ 108 m3 . We st udied the effects of inter nal and exter nal dynamic conditio ns o n the cause o f the 2000 LTDF. Based o n the ea rthquake data and temperature data fr om 1995 to 2000 and rainfall data from Mar ch to April 2000, we ana lyzed the spatio2 tempo ral co upling r elatio nship of the 2000 LTDF w ith seismicit y, freeze2thaw cy cle, and dry2w et cy cle. Based o n the structural char acteristics of g ranite r ock, w e analyzed the mechanism o f internal and ex ternal dy namic conditio ns on the cause of the 2000 LT DF. The results included two aspects. Firstly, the main facto rs of the 2000 LTDF wer e long2term fr eeze2thaw cycle, dry2wet cy cle, and seismicity. Earthquake of Ms 4. 8 w as the dir ect inducing facto r of t he 2000 LT DF. Seco ndly , t he long2term effect of seismicity, freeze2thaw cycle, and dry2wet cycle increased the vulnerability as well as t he surface fr act ur e of BH01 gr anite r ock mass. Due to the inf luence of the subsequent seepage of rain and melt water, the strength o f gr anite ro ck mass w as exhaust ed. Under the effect of the Ms 4. 8 earthquake, t he BH01 landslide occurr ed in 2000 and trig ger ed the debris f low