Analysis of backwater effects of flood based on one-dimensional hydrodynamic model
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The enco unter betw een the flo od fr om t he mainstr eam and its tributaries can easily lead to the backw ater phenome2 non, causing poo r drainag e of river channel f loo ds and g reatly incr easing the floo d contro l risk of t he riv er co urse. Taking the backwater effects o f the second Songhua riv er f loo d on the Nen riv er floo d as the pr oject backg round, we ado pted the one2dimen2 sio nal hydro dy namic method to simulate and calculate the backwat er effects o f t he second Song hua river floo d on the Nen river floo d under differ ent flood combinations, and further quantitat ively ana lyzed the affected distance and heig ht based on the model simulatio n r esults. The r esults show ed that the affected distance of Nen river due to t he seco nd Songhua river floo d is relativ ely complex , and is closely r elated to t he relativ e sizes of the floo ds from the t wo rivers. When the flo ods magnitudes in the tw o riv2 ers a re equal, the affected distance is abo ut 32 km aw ay fr om the Sancha est uar y. The g reater the flo od in the second So ng hua riv er, the g reater the af fected distance and height. U nder the combination of 10% fr equency flo od in Nen riv er and 2% fr equency floo d in the second Song hua river, the max imum affected distance of Nen riv er is 55 km aw ay f rom the Sancha est uar y, and the affected height r eaches 21 14 m.