Attribution analysis on evapotranspiration changes in the Jinghe River Basin based on Choudhury-Yang equation
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A lar ge2scale affo restation pro ject has been implement ed in the Lo ess Plateau since 1999, but w hether the pro ject has intensified r egional water supply pr essure is being w idely debated. In o rder to scientifically analyze the w ater cycle process in the Lo ess Plateau, this study calculated the evapot ranspir atio n changes of t he Jing he Riv er basin based on the Choudhury2Yang e2 quation during 2000 to 2014, and quant itativ ely dist ing uished the co nt ributio n o f climatic facto rs and that o f underlying surface facto rs to ev apo transpiratio n chang es. Results show ed that: since the implementat ion o f the afforestation pro ject, the ev apo trans2 pir atio n o f the Jing he River basin has slig ht ly declined at an annual averag e rate of - 21 28 mm. Precipit ation was the dominant facto r o f ev apo transpiratio n chang es in the study period, w ith an averag e co ntribution rate of 761 8% , w hich was far g reater than the contribut ion of potential evapotr anspir ation chang e ( 401 8% ) and underly ing surface change ( - 171 5% ) . This st udy show s that the Choudhury2Yang equatio n has impo rtant scientif ic sig nificance fo r quantitativ ely distinguishing the effects of climat e and underlying surf ace chang es on ev apo transpirat ion.