The assessment of water resources security in Huaihe River Basin based on ELECTRE Ⅲ
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In order to explore the w ater r eso ur ces security ( WRS) pr oblem in H uaihe Riv er Basin, w e est ablished the w ater re2 sour ces security evaluation index sy stem of the H uaihe River Basin. Using the mult i2criteria decisio n2making method2ELECTRE III, w e evaluated the water resour ces securit y o f four prov inces in the H uaihe Riv er Basin ( Jiangsu, Anhui, Shando ng and Henan) fr om 2006 to 2012 and r anked them by net co nfidence scor e. The results show ed that: ( 1) Amo ng these pr ovinces, Jian2 g su Pro vince had the best WRS situation, followed by Anhui Pro vince and H enan Pro vince, while Shandong Prov ince had the wo rst. ( 2) Thr oughout the years, the WRS sit uation in Huaihe River Basin w as the best in 2011, w ith the highest scor e reaching 7. 62 and the lowest - 0. 82, all at the near2crisis level; the situatio n w as the w o rst in 2006, w ith the hig hest sco re reaching - 21 03 and the low est - 18. 37, a ll at the crisis lev el ex cept fo r Jiang su Pro vince. ( 3) For o ne pr ovince thr oughout the y ears, wit h the chang e of time, the w ater resources security o f the fo ur pr ovinces all showed an M2shaped trend of first increasing , then decreasing , and then increasing and decr easing ag ain. T his method and ev aluatio n index system hav e str ong applicability and can pr ov ide relatively objective evaluation results. T hey pr esent a new perspect ive and a new method for w ater resour ces security e2 v aluatio n in the Huaihe River Basin. The pro per quantitat ive and t rend analysis of WRS will pro vide a scientific basis fo r reasonable development and sustainable ut ilization of w ater r eso ur ces in the H uaihe River Basin.