In a chang ing env ir onment, wetland hydrolog ical connectivit y decreases significantly, r esulting in the shrinkag e o f w et2 land area and the degr adat ion of eco2hydro lo gical functio ns o f wetlands, and wo rse still, the deterio ration of water envir onment and the incr eased risk o f flo ods and dr oughts in the river basin. On the basis o f defining the connotation and characteristics of wetland hydro lo gical co nnectivity, this article systematically summarizes t he research histo ry o f w etland hydr olo gica l co nnectiv i2 ty . It can be div ided int o the g erminatio n stag e ( from 1980 to 2009) and the ex plo ratio n stag e ( from 2010 to present) . T hen the article focuses on the r esear ch hotspots and pro gr ess of w etland hy dr olog ical connectivity , including quantitative assessment met ho ds for wet land hydro log ical connect ivity, the functio ns of wet land hydro log ical co nnectivity, the applicatio ns of w etland hy dr olog ical connect ivity in w etland pro tect ion and r est orat ion and basin w ater management. Fina lly, in view of the pro blems and weaknesses in the current studies of w et land hydro lo gical co nnectiv ity, co nsidering the major natio na l needs fo r w etland pr otectio n and r esto ration and inter co nnected river system netw or k in the new perio d, this article pro po ses the key directio ns for future r esear ch.