Health assessment of water cycle in Xi‘an City based on KPI
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Urban water cycle healt h assessment research has pr actical g uiding sig nificance for ur ban planning, develo pment and co nstr uction, and urban r eso ur ce management. Taking Xican as a study case, based on the conno tatio n of ur ban water cy cle and the key at tributes of water r eso urces, f rom the fo ur dimensions o f w ater ecolo gica l level, wat er resources abundance, w ater qualit y, and water resources utilizatio n, w e built a health assessment sy stem o f w ater cycle based o n key performance index ( KPI) w ith 16 indicato rs, and assessed the health status of w ater cycle of the city from 2010 to 2015. T he results showed t hat the w ater cy cle in Xi'an from 2010 to 2015 was in a sub- healt h state, and the health assessment score w as 31 05231 46 points. The health sco res in 201022011 showed a dow nwar d tr end. In 2011, the healt h scor e w as 31 05 points and was the low est. Af2 terwar ds fr om 2011 to 2015, the health scor e incr eased year by y ear, wit h a sig nificant upwar d tr end. T he drinking w ater so ur ce had the hig hest scor e in water quality com pliance rate, and it w as in a very healt hy state from 2010 to 2015. The per ca2 pita w ater resources and the per unit area water r esources had the w orst scores. From 2010 to 2015, they wer e all serio usly un2 healt hy . Enhancing t he r ationality of wat er resour ces utilizat ion and alleviat ing the co nt radictio n between water supply and demand w ere the key to improv ing t he health status of Xican w ater cycle