Temporal and spatial characteristics of water resources carrying capacity in Henan Province
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With the develo pment of so cial eco nomy, the w ater resources pro blem in Henan Prov ince is becoming incr easing ly seri2 o us. We selected 13 eva luation indexes to constr uct an evaluat ion index system for w ater resources carr ying capacit y in Henan Pro vince, and w e used the principal component ana lysis method to evaluat e the w ater resources carry ing ca pacity in Henan Prov2 ince in both tempo ral and spat ial dimensions. T he results show ed that : ( 1) The tempor al v ariation characteristics o f w ater re2 sour ces carr ying capacit y in H enan Pro vince w ere ma inly related to the lev el of so cial and eco nomic develo pment, the level of water supply and demand, and the intensity of human act ivities. T he water reso ur ces carry ing capacity in H enan Prov ince show ed a fluctuat ing increasing tr end fr om 2007 to 2016. ( 2) The spatial distribution characteristics o f w ater resour ces ca rr ying capacity in Henan Pr ovince w er e mainly related to the level o f socia l and econom ic develo pment, the status of ag ricultur al devel2 o pment, and the nat ur al endow ment o f water resources in differ ent cities. Zheng zhou City had the hig hest level o f water re2 sour ces carr ying ca pacity , w hile Luohe City, Hebi Cit y, and Jiyuan Cit y had the low est level. This study can pr ovide a scientific basis fo r the sustainable utilizatio n of water r eso urces in H enan Pr ovince and the formulatio n of related rational manag ement po licies.