Experimental study on in-situ biochemical treatment for remediation of black-odor river bottom sediment in Tianjin
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In this study, we used t he labor ator y simulation method to investig ate the changes of the phy sical and chemical pro per2 ties o f bot tom sediment and the overly ing wat er qualit y as a function of the dosage of self2made bio2chemical compounding ag ent ( w ith "denitrifying bacteria2calcium nitrate" as the main raw material) in the in2 situ biochemical remediation o f black2odor sedi2 ment. Based on comprehensive consider atio n, we determined t hat t he o ptimal and cost2saving do sag e of treatment ag ent for the remov al o f black2o do r pollutants should be 2 000 mg / L ( calculated as calcium nitr ate2N) . After bury ing the sediment tr eatment agent in the test sediment fo r 30 day s, w e fo und the T P of the ov erlying w ater ( 400 ml) w as r educed fr om 01 50 mg/ L to 01 36 mg/ L; CODCr , ammonia nitr og en, nitr ate nitr og en, and nitrite nitr og en respect ively increased from 31 mg/ L, 01 10 mg/ L, 01 65 mg/ L, and 01 07 mg / L to 325 mg / L, 301 27 mg / L, 41 91 mg/ L, and 131 55 mg/ L; the sediment AVS w as r educed from 11 31 Lmo l/ g t o 01 35 Lmol/ g ; the sediment looked loo se and ex panded, and tur ned from black to yellow . We judged that this dosag e wo rked w ell on the treatment of black2odor sediment. It can be used as the basis fo r furt her pilo t st udy o n the in2situ remedia2 tion of black2odor sediment in a river co urse in Binhai New Area o f Tianjin, in or der to determine the optimal dosag e.