Experimental research on water quality evolution mechanism of landscape water bodies with different ratios of reclaimed water
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Taking Yong ding Riv er ( Beijing sectio n) as the research object, we monito red the chang es of wat er qualit y in land2 scape w ater bodies w ith different ratios of reclaimed w ater for 24 co nsecutive day s. The monito ring indicato rs included chemical ox yg en demand, ammo nia nitr og en, dissolved o xy gen, pH, co nductivity , and soil micro bial diversity. The r esults show ed that: The micr obial diversity in t he upstream riparian soil of the Yo ngding Riv er is sig nificantly better than that in the dow nstr eam ri2 parian so il. The sand formed by the combination of the two is conducive to enriching so il micr obial diversity. T he wat er body wit h a high ratio o f r eclaimed w ater is mor e sensitive to envir onmental changes. Its w ater qualit y is mo re prone t o changes when influenced by exter nal factors, and deterior at es fast er at high temper atur e. Accor ding to the com pr ehensive analysis of v arious water qualit y indicators monito red by the ex periment , the w ater quality of impounded landsca pe water bodies will deteriorat e co nt inuously if t he ratio of reclaimed water ex ceeds 75% . It is recommended that the r atio of reclaimed w ater in Yongding River be contr olled below 75% .