Analysis on the water environment capacity of Huangbo River Basin considering the impact of changes in hydrological situation
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Water env ir onment capacity ( WEC) refers to the max imum amount of po llutants that can be assimilated by a w ater bo dy g iven the co ndition that the w at er enviro nment o f the water function ar ea meets the qualit y standards. The precise determi2 natio n o f WEC has important pr act ical sig nificance for the ratio nal exploitation and effect ive prot ection of wat er resour ces. Wa2 ter conserv ancy pro jects and human activities have changed the o rig inal hydro lo gical sit uation of the river to v ary ing deg rees, and the precise verificat ion of the wat er envir onment capacity under the inf luence of chang es in hy dr olog ical situatio n has gr adually become a pro blem that ur gently needs study and so lutio n. We to ok the H uang bo Riv er in Yang tze River Basin as a case study,select ed three majo r influencing facto rs, including the converg ent tributaries, reserv oirs, and w ater diversion pro jects, and ana2 lyzed their im pacts on the hy dr olog ical situation of the river and on the w ater envir onment capacit y. We put fo rw ard some corre2 sponding parameter determination metho ds, and calculated the w ater environment capacity based on the one2dimensio na l w ater qualit y mathematical mo del. Finally, taking the typical section o f East Br anch Reser ve of the H uang bo Riv er as a case study, w e compar ed the WEC r esults o f the pro po sed method and the tr adit ional metho d. T he results show ed that the pr oposed method wit h co nsideration to the impact o f chang es in hydrolog ical situatio n can contribute to the accurate verificatio n of the w ater env i2 r onment capacity t o a certain ex tent. The research results can pro vide certain technical references for reg io nal effective pr otec2 tion of w ater r eso ur ces, preventio n o f water po llut ion, and improv ement o f water env iro nment.