Risk assessment of soil erosion in the upper reaches of Minjiang River
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Acco rding to the curr ent situation and characteristics o f soil erosio n in t he upper reaches of Minjiang River, after deter2 mining the assessment index es, w e used the metho d o f Weig hted Superposit ion Analysis to ex plor e the ero sion risk. T he r esults are as follow s: ( 1) In t he upper r eaches of Minjiang River, steep slo pes make up 611 20% of the area; annual r ainfa ll v aries sig2 nificantly; the so il is loo se and soft; the impact o f earthquake is stro ng . ( 2) The r atio of moderate and above ero sion risk w as 891 31% in the study ar ea, indicating a serious so il ero sion situat ion. ( 3) T he moderate risk areas a re mainly distributed near the water netw or k, and ar e closely related to land use t ypes and human activit ies; the hig h risk areas ar e mainly distributed in the west, so uthw est and so ut h of the upper reaches of Minjiang River, and are clo sely co nnected w ith the Wenchuan Earthquake. ( 4) Wenchuan County and Lixian County ar e key manag ement r egions of hig h erosion risk, and H eishui County , Maox ian Count y, and Songpan Co unty a re manag ement reg ions of moderate er osion risk.