Study on the removal efficiency of nano-sized iron particles produced by green tea reduction on Cr( VI) in simulated groundwater
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Nano2iro n pr oduced by reductio n w ith g reen tea extr act ( GT2NIP) has g ood r emo val efficiency of hexav alent chromi2 um in w ater. It is ex pected that the remov al of hexav alent chr omium from gr oundw ater can be achieved in situ by injecting GT2 NIP into the aquifer; but this has not been verified yet. In this paper, we pr epar ed nano- ir on by reductio n w ith g reen tea ex2 tr act, measured its reductio n effect o n hex av alent chromium in w ater, and then used sand co lumn to study its remo val efficiency on hex avalent chromium in simulated g ro undw ater. The GT2NIP w e made w ere spherical and unifo rm in size, w ith a diameter of 10220 nm and g ood dispersion stability in w ater. They consisted o f 551 6% Fe2+ and 441 4% Fe3+ . When GT2NIP concent ratio n was 120 g/ L, after 1 h of r eact ion, the remo val rate of Cr( VI) w it h an initial concent ratio n o f 100 mg / L reached 9628% . In the co lumn test, GT2NIP could pass thro ug h the sand column, with an aver age outflow per centage o f 681 6% . When a Cr( ? ) so lu2 tion of 100 mg/ L was injected into t he sand co lumn, the concentrat ion of Cr 3+ w as abo ut 01 20 mg / L, and the concentr ation of Cr 6+ in the effluent was 01 10201 25 mg / L; that is, the to tal remo val r ate o f hex avalent chromium by GT2 NIP w as more than 99% .