The water purification effect of larch forest riparian buffer zone in mountainous area of Hebei
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To fully understand the r eductio n effects of lar ch for est riparian buffer zones o n surface runoff po llutants, w e used am2 mo nium nitr og en and total pho sphor us so lutio ns o f three co ncentrations to irrig ate the larch fo rest riparian buffer zo ne in Weichang Count y of H ebei Pr ov ince at flow r ates o f 0. 67 L/s and 1. 82 L/s. The r esults show ed that the reduct ion effect of ri2 parian buffer zone on the ammonium nit rog en and total phospho rus in surface r unoff wo uld be enhanced w ith the increase of buffer leng th. At the same buffer distance in the riparian buffer zone, the reduction rates of ammonium nitrog en and to tal phos2 phor us in the smaller surface runo ff wer e bo th bet ter t han tho se in the larg er runo ff. With the increase of buffer dist ance, the differ ence of t he r eduction r ate o f ammonium nit rog en between smaller runoff and larg er runoff showed a trend of increasing first and then decr easing . When the polluted water flow ed throug h 20 m la rch for est riparian buffer zo ne, the influence of surface runo ff on the reductio n r ates of ammonium nitro gen and to tal pho sphor us became smaller in all t he po llution co ndit ions. At bo thruno ff vo lumes, the reductio n rat es of ammonium nitr og en and total phosphorus in the lar ch riparian buffer zo ne show ed the law s o f heav y pollutio n reductio n r ate > moderate pollutio n r eduction r ate > lig ht pollution r educt ion rat e.