Investigation and analysis of ice hazard in operation of typical long distance water transfer project in winter
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This paper takes a long2distance w ater diversion project as the r esear ch object, and analyzes the ice develo pment law and ice hazar d o f the channel in w inter based on pro toty pe observat ion data. This paper intr oduces the lay out features of the channel and other co nstr uctions, the meteoro lo gical char acteristics in w inter, and the w ater convey ance mode in winter. It analy2 zes the ice phenomena in the ice drift period, fr eezing perio d, and thaw ing perio d, and t he ice distribution characteristics in differ2 ent years and areas. It summarizes the basic rules of ice formatio n and melt ing in the lo ng2distance w ater co nv eyance channel. Based on the special ice hazards in ty pical channels in winter, this paper lists such events as ice jam, w ater lev el decrease at fo re2 bay o f pumping station, flow rate decrease at div ersio ns, disto rtion o f instr ument readings, and canal lining fro st heaving . It ana2 lyzes the influence of meteor olog ical conditions, w ater conditio ns, and pr ojects lay out characteristics on the formation of ice haz2 ar ds. Fr om the perspectives of scheduling and engineering measures, this paper puts forwa rds a set of pr otectiv e measur es cover2 ing preventio n, blocking, interfer ence, fishing , and dra inag e acco rding to different channels and positio ns of the constructio ns in differ ent ice periods. It can pro vide t echnical support fo r t he safe and eff icient o perat ion o f long2distance w ater diversio n projects in winter.