Application of siphon pipe sediment2discharging technology in dredging of Xixiayuan Reservoir
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In o rder to study the applicat ion and effect o f sipho n2ty pe pipe sediment2discharg ing techno lo g y in dr edging of Xix i2 a yuan reser vo ir in the m iddle r eaches o f t he Yellow River, based o n the o n2site dredg ing test at the r eserv oir, w e utilized t he siphon effect o f the w ater level differ ence betw een the upper and low er reaches o f Xixiayuan Reserv o ir, alo ng w ith so il breaking jetting suctio n dr ag head fo r sediment reg ulat ion. T hr oug h tr acking and m onitoring the characteristic v alues such a s sediment concentra tion and flow r ate alo ng the sediment tr anspo rt pipeline, w e st udied t he sediment co ncentr atio n v ariatio n rang e, tr end, and particle size g r ada tio n at the measured po int under differ ent t est co nditio ns, and ca rried out qua nt itativ e a2 nalysis of the dr edg ing effect in the test . T he r esults show ed that w ith the incr ease o f the flow rate, the aver ag e sedim ent co ncentrat ion w o uld incr ease w hile the max im um sediment co ncent ration w o uld incr ease first and t hen decr ease. The m ax i2 m um sediment co ncent ration thr oug hout the test r eached 3 421 61 kg / m3 . T he pro duct ion co st fo r dr edg ing 2 0 00 m3 sedi2 m ent w as 105 600 yuan.