Comparison and analysis of empirical estimation methods for slope wave pressure under landslide-generated impulse wave
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The slo pe w ave pressur e calculation is hig hly empirical and has a w ide variety o f calculatio n fo rmulas. In order to ex2 plo re the applicability o f empirical fo rmulas in pr edicting t he pressur e o f landslide2g ener ated impulse w ave on the slo pe, we con2 str ucted a three2dimensio nal phy sical mo del of landslide2generated impulse w ave w ith a g eometric scale o f 1: 70. We studied the variatio n law o f slo pe wav e pressur e under the maximum and the effectiv e landslide2g ener ated impulse w aves under differ ent wo rking conditio ns. Three commo nly used empirical fo rmulas for slope w ave pressur e w ere used for comparison and analysis of the mag nitude, action po int positio n, and distributio n char acteristics of the pressur e of landslide2g ener ated impulse w ave o n the slope that was directly o pposit e the w ater entry point of the landslide. The r esults show ed that the results o f the three empirical formulas w ere quite different. Accor ding t o t he test r esults, the modified Subgr ade Fo rmula can be used to predict t he magnitude of the slo pe w ave pr essure under landslide2generated impulse w ave; the modified Fo rmula can be used to predict the br eaking point position of landslide2generated impulse w ave; the distribution t rend of the w ave pressur e o n the slo pe is consist2 ent w ith the So viet Standard Formula.