Research progress of self-healing concrete based on MICP technology
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Concrete is a w idely2used building material, but it is pro ne to cracking during its serv ice life, especially in w ater conser2 v ancy pr ojects. The cracks not o nly affect the look of buildings, but also adv ersely affect the securit y of the str ucture. The tech2 nolog y of micro bial induced ca rbonate precipitation ( MICP) can be used to fabricate self2healing co ncr ete. This concrete can self2 heal when it has micro2cr acks, and thus has better durability and saves maintenance costs. T his paper summarizes and analyzes domestic and for eign literatur e o n the w or king mechanism of the self2healing concrete, the prepa ratio n methods, the characteris2 tics o f self2healing co ncr ete, and the affecting factors of self2healing effect. Reg arding the mechanism, it mainly int roduces the select ion of self2r epairing micro org anisms and the mineralization processes. Regar ding the pr epar at ion, it mainly summarizes the bacterial immobilizat ion methods used in self2healing concr ete. Reg arding the perfo rmance, it mainly analyzes the micro sco pic pr operties and macr oscopic propert ies o f self2healing co ncr ete. Reg arding the hea ling effect, it mainly summarizes three influen2 cing facto rs including r epairing agent compositio ns, curing conditio ns, and cracks char act eristics. Acco rding to the literature re2 v iew , the maximum w idt h of cracks that can be healed fo r self2healing concrete is 0. 97mm and the max imum depth is 271 2 mm.The self2healing co ncrete still has g reat dev elo pment po tential. Based on the curr ent research pr og ress, this paper points out the further research directions o f self2healing co ncr ete. It is aimed to push fo rw ard the dev elopment of this techno log y.